An Exclusive In-Person Symposium Built for Senior Cloud Executives

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SL CES Home Intro.V2

The Cloud Executive Summit is an exclusive two-day symposium that took place December 6-7, 2023 built for senior executives looking to discuss and debate the challenges and opportunities presented by the cloud industry today. Set in Sonoma, California, this closed-door gathering brought togehter key leaders to: 

  • Understand key cloud business cases
  • Identify and solve deployment challenges
  • Innovate through interactive agile workshops
  • Learn from hyper scalers and service providers successfully deploying cloud services
  • Network with key players in our industry

Cloud Executive Summit by the Numbers

Exclusive access to event-only cloud research report
Days of networking, discussions and debates
Case Studies
Moderator-led workshops
Key cloud topics

When and Where


Sonoma, California
Venue details to be announced soon!


December 6: Keynotes, Panel, Case Study Power Half-Hour, Wine Tasting, Welcome Reception

December 7: Breakfast, Keynotes, Case Study Power Half-Hour, Executive Summit Exclusive Research, Moderated Small Group Discussions, Lunch & Networking, Panel, Beer & Wine Reception, Awards Ceremony & Dinner

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The Cloud Executive Summit brings together leading executives to discuss and debate the challenges and opportunities in the cloud industry. 

Join attendees from across the globe including: 

  • Cloud Network Architects
  • Directors and VPs of Cloud Infrastructure
  • Directors and VPs of Cloud Engineering
  • VPs of IT
  • CIOs
  • VPs of Network Infrastructure
  • And more!

Key Event Themes Covered:


Artificial Intelligence


Cloud-native 5G

Telco cloud


